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FAQs - On the day
Where do I need to go?

Initially please go to Reception in the Sports Centre. Let them know that you are here for the Body Combat Marathon. They will let you in through the turnstile. Go UP the stairs to the left, across the bridge, and then up the stairs on the left side. The main sports hall is on the left side at the top of those stairs. There is also a lift.

Where do I check in?

We will have a table just inside the main sports hall. Please check in with the volunteers at the table first. You will be issued with a wristband, please put this on straight away so that we know you are checked in.

What time should I arrive?

Check-in will be open from 9am on the day of the event. Please ensure that you have arrived and checked in by 9.45am. The event starts at 10am.

What should I do once I'm checked in?

Please check in first. Then you are free to go to the lockers, changing rooms and visit the cafe in the Sports Centre, please try to keep the corridors clear. Please be in the hall at 9.45am so that you are ready for the event to start. 

Are there lockers I can use?

There are lockers in both the male and female changing rooms located 1 floor down from the main sports hall. There are also some additional lockers in the corridor just outside the changing rooms. The lockers require a £1 coin to operate.

Can I leave my stuff in the main sports hall?

Yes, although it must placed close to the walls. We cannot be held responsible for any bags left in the main sports hall, so it is advisable to put your belongings in the lockers.

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